Before participating in any recreational diving, courses and programs, all divers or candidates, must complete paperwork, such as a brief scuba medical condition. We used to complete old version medical statement form. (It's almost 30 years old form). You should answer 34 questions about your mental and physical conditions. And as we all know answering these questions are not easy for everyone. And some questions weren't specific. So it was easy to answer "yes" and need a review by a physician to get an evaluation form says "fit for diving".

To avoid all these steps and save your precious time during the holidays a new medical form came up " new 2020 medical form" so far it's only available in English. Other languages will come up very soon. Of course, you can keep using the old version, but the new one is much more diver friendly. Your dive operator can send you by email, you can answer online and print them out to sign.

on the new 2020 medical form there are only 3 sections. On the first one you have to answer only 10 questions. If you answer "no" to all those questions, a medical evaluation is not required and you are free to go diving. Even answering a question "yes" in section one doesn't mean you need a medical evaluation. for example on question #2: " I am over 45 years of age" for most of us It is a "yes "answer.

With a "yes" answer on the new 2020 medical form, only you have to go to section 2, box B and then answer some more specific questions about your previous answer from section one.

If you are able to answer all questions "no" you don't need a medical evaluation.

If you answer to one of these "yes", you will need a medical evaluation.

In section 3 you can find the physician's evaluation form.

There are new updates on section 3:

*no more physician comment section.

*Physician stamp is optional.

*There Will be a medical guidance link. So your doctor can review the areas relevant to your evaluation.

Don't forget to print out all sections and take them with you!

Enjoy your next dives..