
Planning a dive travel to Cozumel? Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Travel light: you probably planing to bring all your gear but leave weights and tank at home. You can rent these all in Cozumel .Don't bring spare equipment if you are not likely to need it and could rent it easly if it turns out you do.

Distribute gear throughout your luggage:

with today 's tight bagagge restrictions,it may help to spread your dive gear and clothing through all your luggage. This may give you 2 bags that don't require excess baggage fees instead of a light one that doesn't and a heavy one that does. Transfer everything to your dive bag when you arrive Cozumel .

Be prepared:

sometimes luggage shows up a day late. Carry personal items(medications,contact lens solutions etc.) with you to minimize inconvenience.

If you have a prescription dive mask , carry it,too. Because you can probably rent everythink else so you don't miss the first day 's diving in Cozumel.

Even if you book throug an established dive center, a dive operation will not assume you re certified the first time visit. Bring your certification and log book to show your qualification and experience record.

Always have a diving insurance ,risk is out there . Cozumel has several hyperbaric chamber to attend in case of a dive accident. It can cost a fortune if you dont have a diving insurance.

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