A Diver’s Guide to Cozumel


Cozumel has been named by Jacques Cousteau as one of the TOP 10 dive spots in the world. It is considered as one of the best scuba diving sites on our planet because of many reasons. One of them is undoubtedly the perfect visibility of turquoise water that reaches up to 50m. Divers can explore stunning coral formations, fascinating walls, slopes and many swim throughs. It´s also drift diving capital of the world.

Cozumel is perfect diving spot not only for experienced divers but also for beginners. Normally unusual for the Caribbean, in Cozumel it can be seen very colorful coral and abundant growth of sponge. Multicolored and spectacular marine flora and fauna bursts with sea life such as eagle ray, barracuda or toadfish. Cozumel is home to around 500 species of fish, 60 species of coral, 350 mollusks and marine mammals, algae's, and seagrasses.

Cozumel is also home to the splendid Cozumel toadfish, it is completely endemic to the reefs that surround the island. The park also has several species that are under some degree of protection, including sea turtles (green turtle, loggerhead turtle, and hawksbill turtle), queen conch, and black coral.

Arrecifes de Cozumel National Park 

 The island of Cozumel is mostly surrounded by coral reefs, however the park area is found in the southern half of the island, south of the international piers, and surrounding the western and southern coasts and a portion from the east coast. It constitutes a natural resource of great importance for the regional economy, since recreational, conservation, use, education, dissemination and monitoring activities are carried out in it.

The reefs are made up of hard corals and soft corals and many varieties of Caribbean fish. The park is also a habitat for several endangered marine species such as the loggerhead and hawksbill turtle, the queen triggerfish and the splendid endemic toadfish. Due to the abundant marine life and coral reefs, the crystal clear and warm water of the Caribbean, Cozumel is considered one of the best diving destinations in the world.


.His name says it all. This reef is a quiet place where everything seems to be ideal; the visibility is excellent and the schools are second to none. In addition, its location right in front of the cruise ship dock, in the center of the tourist area, makes it the most accessible place on the island. Paraíso is easy to navigate, making it ideal for night dives or inexperienced divers. Its beautiful cliff is decorated with large barrel sponges and elephant ears, so coveted by underwater photographers.


Not only is it a reef with a wonderful name, but it is probably one of the longest reefs on the continent. Its great strip of underwater gardens extends over an area of 1,500 m long and 20 wide, requiring two or three dives to go from beginning to end. It is not a very deep reef, between 12 and 15 m deep; however, a great variety of marine species is concentrated, highlighting its sponges, some crustaceans, nudibranchs and all kinds of corals.


The cliff of this reef improves with depth, especially between 25 and 35 m, where the exotic yellow tube sponge abounds. At this site, you travel a slight incline that leads to the plains covered with seagrass, where large species such as moray eels, cat sharks and, seasonally, large mantas are frequently found. These sandy plains function as corridors between coral structures, so the transit of predatory species is common. The dive continues ascending through soft sand dunes, ending on another platform at a depth of 15 meters, in which a sensation of emptiness is experienced in the infinite space of the sea. .


Santa Rosa is a classic Cozumel wall and one of the most popular first tank dives on the Island. This dive site has characteristic tunnels that cut through the entire reef chest at 80 feet and it makes dive so spectacular. This dive spot is recommended for intermediate divers due to unpredictable currents and overhead environments. Santa Rosa Wall is a home to Lobsters, Barracudas, Black Groupers, Horse-Eyed Jacks, Eagle rays and turtles.


This is ideal first wall for beginners but also for advanced divers because of numerous swim-though and excellent photo opportunities. The dive starts on a sandy patch inside the drop off at 20ft. Cuts and channels provide many avenvues for divers to navigate through this coral wonderland. A huge brain coral at 50-60 ft is a landmark feature and it´s home to Groupers, Horse Eyed Jackas and Grunts. You will be amazed by spectacular marine life that constists of Blue Chromis, Butterly Flish, French Angels and Midnight Parrot Fish. Diving in this site is relaxing due to moderate currents. 


This dive site rests on 30-60 feet and is known for its amazing swim-throughs and coral mounds with numerous overhangs. The marine life is abundant and divers can admire Juvenile Spotted Drums, Great Barracudas, large Groupers, Green Moray Eels and even Nurse Sharks. This is certainly photographer´s paradise!

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